New Homesteading Tractor! John Deere 1023E with H120 Loader
I fee like a kid on Christmas morning! Today marks a day that yet another dream has come true. Our new John Deere 1023E was delivered! Having never owned a tractor before, this is a big deal for us!

As of right now, we are still using a shared driveway with the neighbouring parcel of land. That would be fine, if it wasn't for the land being unmaintained in the winter and access being completely blocked off by snow. You see, the property next to us is a large gravel pit, and clearing all the way to the nearest road would be a monsterous undertaking. When we had a quote done up for creating a driveway across the back field to the nearest mile road, the price came up in the ball park of around $7000. At that point it was clear to us that a tractor was actually a justifiable purchase at this point. We have loads of gravel piles on our property, so it will just be a matter of scraping the new driveway and hauling the gravel over to start building up a useable path. Choosing to invest in a tractor we can use later for other tasks, rather than throwing 7k towards a one time project just seemed like the right choice! This machine will be exactly what we need to start up a large food plot! Once we get a post pounder, we will also be using it to setup a large enclosed space for chickens, as well as a pen for miniature jersey cattle. The plan is to get a handful of the micro cattle and breed them as a small niche business to help cover cost of feed and fencing. I can't wait, and neither can our little girl!

After having a couple hours to work with it on starting the driveway....its going to take one hell of a long time with this little machine. I don't mind though....always did enjoy playing with Tonka toys ;)